Clean Air Technology: UVGI for Health & Building Performance
UVGI For Health & Building Performance
Sick of boring long webinars? Us too! Join us for a mini session on UV.
IAQ (indoor air quality) is a hot topic in the HVAC industry as buildings reopen. UV-C lighting can turn your HVAC system into a disinfection machine for building occupant health and system performance.
Here’s what we will cover:
- // ASHRAE’s COVID Recommendations
- // UV Light Fundamentals
- // What’s Living in the AHU?
- // UV Light Applications
Hi Mike, like your UVC on AHU, it great solution for ahu COIL problem. i have a question…. what happen to the air inlet coil surface side? will it trap the dust since your UV is just at inside the AHU.? can your UVC breakdown or eliminate the dust?
would like to know more of your UVC system solution
Fresh-Aire UV’s installed inside the AHU is primarily designed to sterilize biological contaminants like mold, germs, and viruses that thrive in these environments. However, it’s important to note that the primary function of UVGI is not to breakdown or eliminate dust.
Traditional filtration systems are effective against particulates such as dust, but they do not address the other two-thirds of indoor air pollution – mold/germs and odors/VOCs. This is where our product steps in to complement conventional filtration.
While dust may still accumulate on the air inlet coil surface, the UVGI disinfection helps prevent the growth of biofilm (a combination of mold, germs, and bacteria). This biofilm can trap more dust and reduce the efficiency of heat transfer, leading to higher energy costs. So, even if dust isn’t directly eliminated by our UVGI disinfection, the process helps maintain the efficiency of your AHU by keeping coils cleaner and reducing the risk of biofilm development.